the scale don’t lie

I want to be proud of myself for all the hard work I’ve put in over the past few weeks.  I’ve genuinely been busting my ass…making time for the gym or exercising in the Florida heat.  I even went on an online shopping rampage and got sports bras and compression pants.  “I don’t have any clean workout clothes” will NOT be an excuse.  I even thought I started to look a little leaner!

So imagine my surprise when I continually step on the scale to find that it hasn’t moved an ounce.

I know that I hadn’t really been policing my diet the way that I could have been.  But c’mon… if I eat like normal and add in some exercise, you’d expect to see SOME change, right?  Wrong.  This is not the body of a 22 year old.  This is the body of an almost-30 year old.  My arm flab laughs at my lame attempts at getting into shape.  At one point last week, I’d found that I’d actually GAINED a pound and a half… but thankfully it was pretty much just retained water.  Sodium is my favorite.

I’ve buckled down again.  Counting the calories more faithfully.  Begging the scale to show me SOMETHING that says this is all worth it.  It’s hard to stay motivated.  Sometimes I want to look in the mirror and tell myself, “okay… this is what my body looks like now.  I’m not young anymore.  I have to just accept it.”

Here’s hopin’ all this work makes a difference when I step on that scale Monday… or else I’m stuffing my face with cookies and calling it quits.




too many cookies… the lindsay barta story

Today we had a potluck at work to celebrate Labor Day.  Apparently Labor Day is not one of the holidays where you wear red, white, and blue… but I didn’t know that, so I’m decked out in patriotic colors and my cookies are following suit with red and blue m&ms.  I have absolutely no self-control.  If you’ve known me for any length of time, you know that.  If there are cookies or cheese in front of me, I will keep eating and eating until it hurts… and even then sometimes I still continue.

Needless to say, this is not very good for my figure.  I end up living in a constant battle between stuffing my face with goodies and hitting the treadmill.  I do both of these with so much passion and fury that I basically just stay in exactly the same place on the scale.  It’s a very delicate balance.

If I’m going to look my best in adulthood, somehow I need to find a way to slightly tip the scale in favor of being a bit healthier without actually losing the joy that comes with a perfectly baked chocolate chip cookie.  There really is nothing like it.  Can I be a grown up without eating like one?


seventy days

Alright so it’s been a while.  I told you I had blog-commitment issues.  I’m about seventy days from my 30th birthday.  In harsh contrast to the lamentation that I wrote about my 29th birthday, I’m actually looking forward to age 30.  I feel like I’m there.  I may not have all (or any) of the things that I thought I would by age 30:  a house, a husband, a family, etc. but somehow, I’m there.

I’m determined to face age 30 head-on and declare something:  my best days are not behind me!

Sure, it’s difficult to accept the reality that I am no longer as young as I used to be.  I “cannot hang” when I go for a night out with friends – and I’ll feel every drink pounding in my head for a few days afterward.  My body doesn’t snap into place like it used to.  Losing 6 pounds may as well be a mountain to climb.  I’m not “hip” anymore.  If you’re wondering if I heard ANYONE’s new song, the answer is probably no.  I’ve been listening to the same play list when I run for the past 4 years and if my car radio isn’t silent, it’s probably tuned to NPR.

I refuse to look at who I’ve become and not love me.  I also refuse to accept defeat.  I’m going to live the last seventy days of my 20’s proving to myself that the best of me is not over.  I want to walk into age 30 in great shape – no matter how hard I have to push my body to get there.  I want to experience new things – try new foods, visit new places.  Here I go… I have seventy days.



chewbacca saved my dog’s life

Oh hey there.  It’s been a while.  That’s because I’m absolutely terrible at a little thing called consistency.  Proven by the fact that I vowed to blog each day in November and didn’t even make it halfway through the month.  Go me.  I didn’t promise I’d be good at this.  Anyway I’m writing again and nobody’s making you read it so get off my case!

Okay so my dog’s life was not technically in danger.  I just thought that was a more compelling title than ‘Chewbacca is really helping out in a stressful situation.’

Sam has anxiety issues.  He’s basically riddled with them.  We don’t know much about his life before becoming our pup.  All we know is that while we adopted one of the sweetest, most adorable dogs around, we also adopted a furry bag of issues.  Since his back surgery, he’s been dealing heavily with separation anxiety.  We’ve drugged him a little bit (naturally of course) – and while it definitely helps, he still has a really difficult time being left alone for long periods of time.

We’ve been dealing with this for months.  I’ve been going to let him out on my lunch break three times a week for over half a year just so that he can have a little fresh air and a potty break.  When I get there, he’s usually standing on his hind legs in the crate, whining and happy to see me.  When I open the crate he runs over to his water dish and obsessively drinks water (there’s a little one in his crate but it’s always dry by lunch).  Then he frantically goes to the door and I take him outside.  Putting him away to go back to work is always heart-wrenching.  Sometimes he hides from me when he knows it’s time to leave.  Sometimes he has accidents in his crate and I know it’s not because he can’t hold it; it’s just because he’s anxious.

So this week I got the bright idea to put his favorite toy in his crate with him.  He’s got this Chewbacca toy that Brendan picked up at Petco and the moment that B brought it home, it replaced Mr. Whale as Sam’s favorite toy.  He had never really utilized toys as comfort items before, but I thought that, at the very least, he could chew on Chewie and try to pull him apart as a means of entertainment while Brendan and I spent the day at work.  It turns out that Sam and Chewbacca became best friends.

Sam and Chewie taking a potty break at lunch time.

Sam and Chewie taking a potty break at lunch time.

Now, it’s like I have a totally different dog on my hands (in a good way).  He’s still just as sweet and loving as can be, but when I went to let him out today at lunch… he was just relaxing in his crate with Chew.  He didn’t seem anxious or frustrated when I opened the door.  He didn’t run to the water and lose his mind guzzling water.  He stepped out of his crate and then gingerly picked up Chewbacca so that they could enjoy a nice trip outside.  When Sam needs to do his business, he places Chewie down in the mulch to wait in a safe place.  I’ve tried picking the toy up to carry it for him, but when he notices that I’ve got it he jumps up on my legs, essentially asking me to let him carry his new best friend himself.

I know it seems so stupid, but I feel like this little toy might be saving my pup’s quality of life.  It’s too bad that Brendan and I can’t be there as a companion more often.  And certainly, the cat is no help.  I was getting really stressed feeling like we adopted this little guy just to keep him locked in a crate for most of his time.  Now the only thing I have to worry about is what happens when Chewie inevitably breaks.  Guess I better get a sewing kit.


dank u – nov. 11

Today, I’m thankful for free shit!

I’m sitting in Raymond James Stadium, watching the Bucs fight for their lives. I’m surrounded by Dolphins fans and as I was typing this sentence, we lost the lead in the 3rd quarter. But nothing can take away the joy of knowing that these tickets were absolutely free.


I happened to have the highest revenue of my team for the third quarter, so I get to enjoy Monday Night Football on On Assignment’s dime. A big thank you to my company and to my boss for the free shit! It is much appreciated.


Thx, Lindsay

salamat – nov. 10

I am so thankful for lazy Sundays when I get to have them. I love waking up whenever I want, eating some cereal, and making it over to LifePoint in time for the 11:30 am service.

After church, I just want to get some quick lunch to go, pick up my apartment and drift in and out of several naps. (Lately, this routine also includes occasionally checking my Fantasy Football scores.)

Sunday night has almost all the good shows! Homeland, Boardwalk Empire, they’re all so good!

Getting the chance to snuggle up on the couch in my pjs without an obligation to anyone is the best way to end a wonderful weekend and prepare for the workweek ahead.

Now, if you’ll pardon me… I’ve got some great tv to watch.

Thx, Lindsay

tack – nov. 9

Today I’m thankful for the flawless way that peanut butter and chocolate mix together.

Seriously, has there been a better combination? The Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup was named #1 candy this Halloween and that’s no coincidence!


Today, I enjoyed a No Way Jose from Beaches and Cream – a little ice cream shoppe at Disney’s Beach Club Resort. Well, I shared it with Brendan …but even between the two of us, I’m impressed that we were able to do this much damage:


Overindulgence, thy name is Barta.

Thx, Lindsay

תודה – nov. 8

Today I am so thankful for really really good food.

I’m talking about the kind of food that takes creativity and artistry.  Tonight, Brendan and I ate at The Ravenous Pig, our favorite restaurant in the Orlando area.  Every item on the menu is like a symphony of flavors.  It’s seriously the most delicious thing ever.

Tonight I had gruyere biscuits, some sort of tasty mussels in chorizo sauce, steak frites, chocolate cheesecake and a little bit of peanut butter fudge.  Not to mention two amazingly crafted beverages.


“Air Mail” – my favorite drink at The Ravenous Pig tonight

I love that instead of just consuming things for sustenance, we, as humans, have been designed to take joy and pleasure in our food.  I’m especially appreciative today to the founders of The Ravenous Pig for their vision of sublime tastiness… and thankful to my boyfriend for footing the bill for such a yummy meal.

Thx, Linds!

obrigado – nov. 7

Today I am extremely thankful for PTO – paid time off (even though I woke up 15 minutes earlier than I would if I was going in to the office).

I don’t know where I’m headed today, but one thing’s for sure – it won’t be to my cubicle.  Even the best jobs remain the best by letting you have a break every now and then.  The trick will be to take my mind off of everything happening in the office and just… relax. 🙂

Who knows?  Maybe some of my “deals” will do a better job of closing without me.

Later guys!

Thx, Lindsay

kösz – nov. 6

Today I’m thankful for the very first man in my life – my dad.


Many people have complicated, labored relationships with their fathers.  I have whatever the opposite of that is.  My dad is always a constant source of love and support in my life.  I’ve always been his little girl.  I can’t imagine a person being more proud of me.  He’s kind, caring and gentle.  Everything I do or accomplish, no matter how small in my eyes, is a cause for celebration for him.


Some people have a difficult time relating God to a loving father because they don’t really know what it’s like to experience the love of a father.  I’m thankful that I’ll never have that problem.  If there’s any man on earth that is a shining representation of unconditional love, it’s my dad.


Thanks, dad… for being everything a father should be.

Thx, Little B.